CareerFairy helps HelloFresh streamline virtual career events and target specific universities.

As one of the fastest-growing meal kit delivery services, HelloFresh is a company that is always on the lookout for fresh talent. With no shortage of applications, their challenge was to target specific universities, whilst receiving fewer applications but of higher quality. Additionally, they were looking for a more tailor-made solution than Teams, Zoom, or Google Hangouts to organise their virtual career events. CareerFairy provided the solution they were looking for.


Total registrations


Number of live streams


In-stream applications


Targeting specific universities

HelloFresh received a large number of applications, but they were looking to target specific universities to attract the best talent. This posed a challenge as it was difficult to reach out to individual universities while also singling out the right candidates. They needed a solution that would help them to streamline their recruitment process and target specific universities.

Personalised virtual event solution

HelloFresh wanted a platform that would provide advanced features to enhance the overall experience for both recruiters and participants. This would help them stand out from other employers and attract top talent.

Higher quality applications

HelloFresh needed a solution that would help them attract candidates who met their specific requirements and were a good fit for the company culture. This would help them to reduce the amount of time spent sifting through applications to focus on the most promising candidates.

While we weren't facing any issues with applications in general, we were having trouble reaching students in specific university programs that we were trying to target. The team at Career Fairy really took the time to understand the profile we were looking for, cracked the career services code, and got us right in front of the students we sought to connect with. But be warned: once you do one event with Career Fairy and experience the incredible functionality and features of this platform first-hand (especially for the live stream), there's no going back to Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Deborah Birnbaum

Student and Graduate Recruiting Lead at HelloFresh


Tailor-made solution for university recruiters with integrated targeting

CareerFairy provided HelloFresh with a custom solution that specifically catered to university recruiters. The platform integrated university and profile targeting per country to ensure that HelloFresh could reach its desired audience with ease.

Targeted social campaigns and user-base promotions

To attract the best talent, CareerFairy assisted HelloFresh in running targeted social campaigns that focused on universities and specific regions. In addition, CareerFairy's user base promotions helped to spread the word about the virtual career events to a wider audience.

Advanced features for a smooth virtual event

CareerFairy provided a suite of advanced features that ensured a smooth virtual event. HelloFresh was able to get questions in advance, request feedback during the live stream, and collect applications in-stream from interested participants. These features helped to enhance the overall experience for both recruiters and participants alike. 

ATS integration for in-stream application 

The platform allowed HelloFresh to collect a talent pool from participants of the live stream and compare them to the quality of other talent pools. This comparison provided a valuable insight into the success of the virtual event and helped HelloFresh to make data-driven decisions regarding their recruitment strategy.

Crucial recruiting data analysis

One of CareerFairy’s features is f eedback collection from participants during and after the event. Data dashboard provides other demographic and live stream results data. This data provided HelloFresh with valuable insights into the success of their recruiting efforts and helped them to make informed decisions moving forward.


CareerFairy's solution proved to be a valuable asset for HelloFresh to streamline their virtual career events, target specific universities, and attract high-quality applications that meet their requirements. By leveraging CareerFairy's platform, HelloFresh was able to create engaging virtual events that helped them stand out among their competitors and secure the top talent they needed to continue to grow their business.

Overall, CareerFairy's platform provides a powerful solution for companies like HelloFresh to streamline their recruiting process by targeting specific schools and regions. With the ability to collect feedback and participation data, companies can easily analyse the success of their recruiting efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve their recruiting strategy..

Company Name
Company Size
1000+ employees
Profiles Recruited
Business, Engineering
Countries Targeted
Germany, UK, Netherlands, France, Canada, Austria

What students think about CareerFairy

Because of a live stream, I was able to score a lot of points during my job interview and finally got offered the job at HR Campus! CareerFairy is a great new way to get to know companies from the comfort of your own home!
Mario S.
What’s great about CareerFairy is that you can ask questions to people who work at the company, and these insights are much more helpful than just reading about the company on its homepage.
Petra B.
I love watching live streams, especially seeing people from other teams, not just recruiters. It helped me to choose the best companies I then applied to work for. I am pretty confident one of them will hire me.
Sara Y.

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